HomeAesopThe Wolf and the Crane


The Wolf and the Crane. Ernest Henri Griset (1844–1907)

The Wolf and the Crane. Ernest Henri Griset (1844–1907)

A Wolf once got a bone stuck in his throat. So he went to a Crane and begged her to put her long bill down his throat and pull it out. "I′ll make it worth your while," he added. The Crane did as she was asked, and got the bone out quite easily. The Wolf thanked her warmly, and was just turning away, when she cried, "What about that fee of mine?" "Well, what about it?" snapped the Wolf, baring his teeth as he spoke; "you can go about boasting that you once put your head into a Wolf′s mouth and didn′t get it bitten off. What more do you want?"

Aesop's Fable "THE WOLF AND THE CRANE". Illustration by Arthur Rackham

Aesop's Fable "THE WOLF AND THE CRANE". Illustration by Arthur Rackham

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