HomeCharles DickensGeorge Silverman′s Explanation

George Silverman′s Explanation. Charles Dickens

′Yes: my mother is what is usually called a managing woman. Doesn′t make a bad thing, for instance, even out of the spendthrift habits of my eldest brother abroad. In short, a managing woman. This is in confidence.′

He had never spoken to me in confidence, and I was surprised by his doing so. I said I should respect his confidence, of course, and said no more on the delicate subject. We had but a little way to walk, and I was soon in his mother′s company. He presented me, shook hands with me, and left us two (as he said) to business.

I saw in my Lady Fareway a handsome, well-preserved lady of somewhat large stature, with a steady glare in her great round dark eyes that embarrassed me.

Said my lady, ′I have heard from my son, Mr. Silverman, that you would be glad of some preferment in the church.′ I gave my lady to understand that was so.

′I don′t know whether you are aware,′ my lady proceeded, ′that we have a presentation to a living? I say WE have; but, in point of fact, I have.′

I gave my lady to understand that I had not been aware of this.

Said my lady, ′So it is: indeed I have two presentations, - one to two hundred a year, one to six. Both livings are in our county, - North Devonshire, - as you probably know. The first is vacant. Would you like it?′

What with my lady′s eyes, and what with the suddenness of this proposed gift, I was much confused.

′I am sorry it is not the larger presentation,′ said my lady, rather coldly; ′though I will not, Mr. Silverman, pay you the bad compliment of supposing that YOU are, because that would be mercenary, - and mercenary I am persuaded you are not.′

Said I, with my utmost earnestness, ′Thank you, Lady Fareway, thank you, thank you! I should be deeply hurt if I thought I bore the character.′

′Naturally,′ said my lady. ′Always detestable, but particularly in a clergyman. You have not said whether you will like the living?′

With apologies for my remissness or indistinctness, I assured my lady that I accepted it most readily and gratefully. I added that I hoped she would not estimate my appreciation of the generosity of her choice by my flow of words; for I was not a ready man in that respect when taken by surprise or touched at heart.

′The affair is concluded,′ said my lady; ′concluded. You will find the duties very light, Mr. Silverman. Charming house; charming little garden, orchard, and all that. You will be able to take pupils. By the bye! No: I will return to the word afterwards. What was I going to mention, when it put me out?′

My lady stared at me, as if I knew. And I didn′t know. And that perplexed me afresh.

Said my lady, after some consideration, ′O, of course, how very dull of me! The last incumbent, - least mercenary man I ever saw, - in consideration of the duties being so light and the house so delicious, couldn′t rest, he said, unless I permitted him to help me with my correspondence, accounts, and various little things of that kind; nothing in themselves, but which it worries a lady to cope with. Would Mr. Silverman also like to -? Or shall I -?′

I hastened to say that my poor help would be always at her ladyship′s service.

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