Home pageJohann Wolfgang von GoetheFaustPage 8MEPHISTOPHELES (while the vapor is dissipating, steps forth from behind the stove, in the costume of a Travelling Scholar). Why such a noise? What are my lord′s commands? Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). Illustrated by Engelbert Seibertz (1813–1905)

MEPHISTOPHELES (while the vapor is dissipating, steps forth from behind the stove, in the costume of a Travelling Scholar). Why such a noise? What are my lord′s commands? Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). Illustrated by Engelbert Seibertz (1813–1905)

MEPHISTOPHELES (while the vapor is dissipating, steps forth from behind the stove, in the costume of a Travelling Scholar). Why such a noise? What are my lord′s commands? Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). Illustrated by Engelbert Seibertz (1813–1905)

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