Home pageAlexandre DumasThe Three MusketeersPage 5They walked arm in arm, occupying the whole width of the street and taking in every Musketeer they met, so that in the end it became a triumphal march. The heart of d′Artagnan swam in delirium; he marched between Athos and Porthos, pressing them tenderly. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. Illustrated by Maurice Leloir, 1894

They walked arm in arm, occupying the whole width of the street and taking in every Musketeer they met, so that in the end it became a triumphal march. The heart of d′Artagnan swam in delirium; he marched between Athos and Porthos, pressing them tenderly. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. Illustrated by Maurice Leloir, 1894

They walked arm in arm, occupying the whole width of the street and taking in every Musketeer they met, so that in the end it became a triumphal march. The heart of d′Artagnan swam in delirium; he marched between Athos and Porthos, pressing them tenderly. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. Illustrated by Maurice Leloir, 1894

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