Home pageLeo TolstoyWar and PeacePage 151Late one evening the Rostóvs’ four sleighs drove into Márya Dmítrievna’s courtyard in the old Konyúsheny street. War and Peace by L. Tolstoy (1863-1869). Illustrated by A. Apsit (1911-1912)

Late one evening the Rostóvs’ four sleighs drove into Márya Dmítrievna’s courtyard in the old Konyúsheny street. War and Peace by L. Tolstoy (1863-1869). Illustrated by A. Apsit (1911-1912)

Late one evening the Rostóvs’ four sleighs drove into Márya Dmítrievna’s courtyard in the old Konyúsheny street. War and Peace by L. Tolstoy (1863-1869). Illustrated by A. Apsit (1911-1912)

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