Home pageLeo TolstoyWar and PeacePage 236“Listen, Bilíbin,” said Hélène (she always called friends of that sort by their surnames), and she touched his coat sleeve with her white, beringed fingers. “Tell me, as you would a sister, what I ought to do. Which of the two?”. War and Peace by L. Tolstoy (1863-1869). Illustrated by A. Apsit (1911-1912)

“Listen, Bilíbin,” said Hélène (she always called friends of that sort by their surnames), and she touched his coat sleeve with her white, beringed fingers. “Tell me, as you would a sister, what I ought to do. Which of the two?”. War and Peace by L. Tolstoy (1863-1869). Illustrated by A. Apsit (1911-1912)

“Listen, Bilíbin,” said Hélène (she always called friends of that sort by their surnames), and she touched his coat sleeve with her white, beringed fingers. “Tell me, as you would a sister, what I ought to do. Which of the two?”. War and Peace by L. Tolstoy (1863-1869). Illustrated by A. Apsit (1911-1912)

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